Epsilon Informatics Training
Drupal is an open source enterprise content management platform. What divides it from the rest of the platforms is much flexibility, scale up opportunity (easy management of users, capabilities and geographical representation) and the security offered.
It is no coincidence that it has be chosen by huge organizations and companies in every field, such as:
- Health (Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Memorial Hospital)
- Education (M.I.T., Oxford University, Minnesota University)
- Media (TheGuardian, Weather.com, gazzetta.gr)
- Governance (NASA, White House, US Department of Energy)
Epsilon Informatics, with multiannual experience in Internet and especially in the Drupal platform, can help you to train and gain all the skills you wish. Using this platform in plenty of projects, from simple websites to a custom e-cloud with multiple business capabilities, we can provide you with the appropriate solution for what you need.
We, along with you, can determine your education program, depending on your educational background and your goals. Your training will include all the platform features, with a greater emphasis on what is needed to satisfy your requirements. We are always alongside you to help you for whatever you need.
Epsilon Informatics has a verified association with Epsilon Net and this collaboration has as main goal the best support of Epsilon Net products and services at local level and, accordingly, the better customer service.
Under the guarantee of Epsilon Net and Epsilon Net Training service various solutions are offered for Economists, Accountants and Managers of the education and vocational training field.
Epsilon Net cooperates with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens providing the programs Financial Accounting (FA), Financial Accounting by Distance Learning (FA Distance) and Expertise in Accounting Standards. It is about educational programs suitable for graduates of Economic University who wish to assert themselves in the labor market, as well as young workers in accounting offices or accounting departments in companies, who wish to develop.
Furthermore, educational programs of the British Α.Ι.Α. (Association of International Accountants) are provided.
The diplomas presented are of the following sectors:
- Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
- Diploma in Management Accounting & Costing (MAC).
- Diploma In Auditing & Internal Review.
Seminars and Vocational Training Workshops are organized in order to provide expertise and specific knowledge and subjects which are relevant to accounting, tax and financial education and practice.
Furthermore, training is provided for gaining skills in:
- Trading programs for every type of company from Pylon Series
- Accounting programs for trading companies of every type from Pylon Series
- Programs for retail market, accommodation and food services and tourism enterprises from Pylon Series
- Accounting programs for accountants and accounting offices from Extra Series
For everyone loving or operating better by using technology and distance education, there is the opportunity of distance learning.
Furthermore, training is provided for gaining skills in:
- Trading programs for every type of company from Pylon Series
- Accounting programs for trading companies of every type from Pylon Series
- Programs for retail market, accommodation and food services and tourism enterprises from Pylon Series
- Accounting programs for accountants and accounting offices from Extra Series